Welcome to the Watch Hill Community Website
We hope to provide Watch Hill home owners with up-to-date information and foster communication and an exchange of ideas.
Pool is Closed for season.
The pool project is currently in the permitting process. After the DOH and the Town of Greenburgh approve the plans, the project will start and be finished during the month of April.
No one will be admitted to the pool area without showing proper identification to the lifeguard staff showing that they are residents of Watch Hill.
Monthly Reporting:
In order to improve communication and transparency between the Board of Directors and the community, WPMG is sending out a Monthly Report with all the major activities that occurred during the previous month and what's planned for the following month. The report will be only be sent via e-mail. If you don't have e-mail call Brett Wishnia and you can request a mailed copy each month. Please send your e-mail address to BWishnia@wpmginc.com to update your e-mail address if you are not sure we have the latest.
General Information:
Brett Wishnia is our manager and can be reached on 914-686-9500 Ext. 112 or at BWishnia@wpmginc.com
Westchester Property Management Group, Inc has a website. For services and Information please go to www.wpmginc.com
If you smell gas call Con Edison immediately on (800) 752-6633
Remember to replace old Carbon Monoxide and Smoke detectors. Always follow the manufacturers directions on maintenance and replacement.
Click <Here> or contact Brett Wishnia at WPMG to get an Architectural Change form for ANY Change to the exterior of your unit.
Click <Here> for the latest Welcome Booklet listing all the rules for the development.
Click <Here> or on About Our Community to see the latest pictures of our development.
Verizon FiOS TV Is Available In Our Community -
Gigabit Internet Service is available to Watch Hill.
Call Your Local Sales Representative Marcia Morgan on 646-574-2039